
Fwd: Latest Article Alert from BMC Molecular Biology (3 articles)

BMC Molecular Biology

Article alert

The latest articles from BMC Molecular Biology, published between 17-Jun-2009 and 23-Jun-2009

For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon.

Methodology article
A strategy for enrichment of claudins based on their affinity to Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin
Lohrberg D, Krause E, Schumann M, Piontek J, Winkler L, Blasig IE, Haseloff RF
BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:61 (22 June 2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]
Research article
Elongation factor eEF1B modulates functions of the release factors eRF1 and eRF3 and the efficiency of translation termination in yeast
Valouev IA, Fominov GV, Sokolova EE, Smirnov VN, Ter-Avanesyan MD
BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:60 (22 June 2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]
Research article
Identification, characterization and expression of novel Sex Hormone Binding Globulin alternative first exons in the human prostate
Pinos T, Barbosa-Desongles A, Hurtado A, Santamaria-Martinez A, de Torres I, Morote J, Reventos J, Munell F
BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:59 (17 June 2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed]

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1 comment:

Migen said...

At any rate, I liked some of the vadlo molecular science cartoons!