The latest articles from BMC Molecular Biology, published between 17-Jun-2009 and 23-Jun-2009For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon. | ||
Methodology article A strategy for enrichment of claudins based on their affinity to Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin Lohrberg D, Krause E, Schumann M, Piontek J, Winkler L, Blasig IE, Haseloff RF BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:61 (22 June 2009) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] | ||
Research article Elongation factor eEF1B modulates functions of the release factors eRF1 and eRF3 and the efficiency of translation termination in yeast Valouev IA, Fominov GV, Sokolova EE, Smirnov VN, Ter-Avanesyan MD BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:60 (22 June 2009) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] | ||
Research article Identification, characterization and expression of novel Sex Hormone Binding Globulin alternative first exons in the human prostate Pinos T, Barbosa-Desongles A, Hurtado A, Santamaria-Martinez A, de Torres I, Morote J, Reventos J, Munell F BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:59 (17 June 2009) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] | ||
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Fwd: Latest Article Alert from BMC Molecular Biology (3 articles)
15 research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses.
Deadline: 3rd September 2009. The application is available at the following address:
The announcement concernes a limited number of fully funded grants for foreign (non-Italian) graduate students to be awarded on the basis of qualifications only and requiring no entry examination. The grants include all University and Department fees, full board at the University accommodation and provide an additional personal scholarship of 13.638,47 € per year for a total of 3 years. Doctoral courses will start on 2nd January 2010 and will end on 31st December 2012.
Details about the PhD School in Statistics may be found at .
All lectures are given in English.
Interested candidates are encouraged in the first instance to contact the School Director
or, submitting their CV.
Prof. Alessandra Salvan
Chair, Phd School in Statistics
University of Padua
Elena Zamborlin
Segreteria amministrativa
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Via C. Battisti, 241-243
35121 PADOVA
tel. 0498274161
From: Elena Zamborlin []
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 11:13 AM
Subject: PhD in Statisics
PMCnews NEW TITLE IN PMC: The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine
____________________________________________The following new journal from the Korean Association of Internal Medicine has been added to PubMed Central:
The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine
ISSN: 1226-3303 (print) 2005-6648 (electronic)
Archive includes vol. 22 (2007) to 24(1) (2009)
Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Thank you,
PubMed Central
PMC-News mailing list
Олхонууд. Д.Лхагвасүрэн
PMCnews New Titles in PMC: Communicative & Integrative Biology; Plant Signaling & Behavior
The following new journals from Landes Bioscience have been added to PubMed Central.
Plant Signaling & Behavior
ISSN: 1559-2316 (print) 1559-2324 (electronic)
Archive includes 1(2006) to the present
Note: There is 6 month embargo delay for this journal
Communicative & Integrative Biology
ISSN: 1942-0889 (electronic)
Archive includes 1(2008) to the present
Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal
PubMed Central
Олхонууд. Д.Лхагвасүрэн
Latest Article Alert from BMC Molecular Biology (2 articles)
The latest articles from BMC Molecular Biology, published between 03-Jun-2009 and 09-Jun-2009For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon. | ||
Methodology article ![]() Identification and validation of housekeeping genes in brains of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria under different developmental conditions Van Hiel MB, Van Wielendaele P, Temmerman L, Van Soest S, Vuerinckx K, Huybrechts R, Vanden Broeck J, Simonet G BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:56 (9 June 2009) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] | ||
Research article ![]() RNF168, a new RING finger, MIU-containing protein that modifies chromatin by ubiquitination of histones H2A and H2AX Pinato S, Scandiuzzi C, Arnaudo N, Citterio E, Gaudino G, Penengo L BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10:55 (5 June 2009) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] | ||
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Volume 87(6); June 2009 In This Month's Bulletin Editorials News Research Professional assistance during birth and maternal mortality in two Indonesian districts C Ronsmans, S Scott, SN Qomariyah, E Achadi, D Braunholtz, T Marshall, E Pambudi, KH Witten, and WJ Graham PMCID: PMC2686212 Ivermectin versus benzyl benzoate applied once or twice to treat human scabies in Dakar, Senegal: a randomized controlled trial Fatimata Ly, Eric Caumes, Cheick Ahmet Tidiane Ndaw, Bassirou Ndiaye, and Antoine Mahé PMCID: PMC2686207 Potential lost productivity resulting from the global burden of uncorrected refractive error TST Smith, KD Frick, BA Holden, TR Fricke, and KS Naidoo PMCID: PMC2686211 Setting priorities for global mental health research Mark Tomlinson, Igor Rudan, Shekhar Saxena, Leslie Swartz, Alexander C Tsai, and Vikram Patel PMCID: PMC2686213 Exposure to physical and sexual violence and adverse health behaviours in African children: results from the Global School-based Student Health Survey David W Brown, Leanne Riley, Alexander Butchart, David R Meddings, Laura Kann, and Alison Phinney Harvey PMCID: PMC2686210 Measles deaths in Nepal: estimating the national case–fatality ratio Anand B Joshi, Elizabeth T Luman, Robin Nandy, Bal K Subedi, Jayantha BL Liyanage, and Thomas F Wierzba PMCID: PMC2686206 A comparison of two methods for measuring anti-hypertensive drug use: concordance of use with South African standard treatment guidelines Thamizhanban Pillay, Anthony J Smith, and Suzanne R Hill PMCID: PMC2686203 Comparative impact assessment of child pneumonia interventions Louis Niessen, Anne ten Hove, Henk Hilderink, Martin Weber, Kim Mulholland, and Majid Ezzati PMCID: PMC2686204 Perspectives Books & Electronic Media | |
Олхонууд. Д.Лхагвасүрэн
PMCnews New Title in PMC: Italian Journal of Pediatrics
Дараах шинэ сэтгүүл ПабМед-д нэмэгдлээ
Италийн хүүхдийн эрүүл мэндийн сэтгүүл.
The Italian Journal of Pediatrics
ISSN: 1720-8424 (print) 1824-7288 (electronic)
Archive will include 33(2007) to the present
Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal
PubMed Central
Олхонууд. Д.Лхагвасүрэн